Growth and development of modern tourism in Kerala

The term ‘tourism’ in Kerala as we understand the term today is of relatively modern origin. It is distinguishable by its mass character from the travel undertaken in the past to the places of tourist interest. Although, the annual migration of people began more than a century ago, the present day exodus especially in relation to international tourist arrivals is essentially a post World War II phenomenon. After independence the central government took major initiatives to promote both domestic and international tourism in a mass way.

The period between the two world wars was marked by the greatest movement of people as a result of the development of various modes of transport, especially the motor car and the airplane. The encouraging trend, however, received a setback as the Second World War (1939-45) intervened. Remarkably, tourism is sensitive to world economic and political conditions. It can occur on a large-scale wherever the great majority of people enjoy some prosperity and security.

In Kerala beach tourism was the most popular selling model till the emergence of other popular tourism packages. While the present day resorts and hotels are going the extra mile to woo tourists from all parts of the globe, in earlier times, only the resorts adjacent to the prominent beaches could earn significant sums of money as foreign exchange.

In earlier times only Kovalam beach was known all over the world as the best place for sunbathing and water sports in Kerala. Very recently another beach destination has also emerged as a major contender to Kovalam. The Papanasam beach in Varkala, a few kilometers away from Trivandrum City now offers the same unique natural ambience prevailing in the beach resort at Kovalam.

Due to the vagaries in the climatic conditions, the peak tourism season is also emerging as a difficult retaining point. To compel a tourist to spend more time at Kovalam, more amusement facilities needs to be created. To retain an international tourist who is inclined to move out to other beach resorts in Goa in the event of a summer rain or the seas getting rough, the same attractions in Goa can be recreated in Kerala.


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